This task has come at quite a good time for me. After returning to the acting profession after time away travelling I'm shocked to discover how much has changed in the way of self promotion and networking. Showreels now seem to be as important as a headshot and the amount of people making there own work is fantastic. We are no longer required to be so reliant on the agent but using the Internet we now have the tools to put ourself forward for auditions and castings. The challenges I'm facing developing my knowledge of technology have arrived at a time when the course needs me to be computer literate and demands that I get involved in all these programs I've always been slightly sceptical of. Well here goes nothing!
I must admit I had no clue what Web 2.0 was before reading the reader, I'm not sure id ever even seen it written down before. After reading it however it turns out not only did I no exactly what it was but I've been using it since about 2007! Terminology scares me and that combined with subject matter of IT didn't stir an overwhelming desire in me to read on I must be honest.
I found this paragraph particularly useful in understanding.
" In simple terms, web 1.0 is about one way communications between creator and reader. A normal website has a creator writing the content and our role as reader is to consume the content. There is limited opportunity to interact or create our own content. In many ways it is similar to other forms of media like TV or newspapers. Web 2.0 provides the opportunity for the reader and creator to interact and more importantly, for reader to become the creator."- I think that's a very interesting point. Since the development of social media we have all had the resources to become more creative and 'have a voice' if you like. Things are far more accessible and knowledge is on tap. We aren't just being fed information by the powers that be but actually able to research comment and share.
However I do think there is a white elephant in the room. I feel the more we put of ourselves on the web, pictures, videos, interests the more we can be manipulated and/or controlled.
The Web 2.0 has been described as a collection of data. Well who has assess to that data? And what do they do with it?
Have you ever been on Facebook and noticed a list of suggested web pages you might like at the side of the page? Funnily enough these are all things your quite interested in. Don't you find it a little scary that Facebook knows what you like, and actually tailor makes a page just for you.
What about other information, where you are? where you live? What you do for work? Where your going on holiday to next year? Members of your family? Are we sharing to much? There is a great book by Ben Elton called Blind faith that's very relevant to this topic, I recommend it highly.
Sites like Facebook could dangerously be being used as distraction devices to take our attention away from the important things that are going on in the world and the more time we spend in cyberspace the more we are playing into the hands of those in charge. If I'm honest I'm not really sure how much control we do actually have.
I think social media has benefits I certainly do, I love talking with friends, sharing music and looking at photos but where does the sharing stop? I've been watching a lot of Charlie Brooker 'Black Mirror' recently and it's frightening to think of where this could potentially lead.
I'm pleased the course is forcing us to ask questions. It is our future after all and we need to be aware of what's happening around us. The next generation won't ever know a time without these tools, how will it effect the way we communicate with each other in years to come? Are we already losing valuable skills like writing because we type so much? I don't have the answers but its important to asks the questions.
"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing."