Tuesday, 26 February 2013

The Reflective Practitioner Begins!

Welcome to week 3 boys and girls..... I do believe this is all getting quite full on. I'm about to begin my reflective journal and immerse myself into a world of deep thinking. As soon as I saw the word journal I let out an internal groan. I've never really been able to keep up with a diary. I've tired a few times whilst at school and was always too nervous someone would read it to write down my true feelings and emotions. However I'm older now, and have slightly more privacy so I'm remaining positive and getting on with it. 
At present I'm sitting in the Royal Court Theatre bar about to watch a new play called 'A Time to Reap' and can already predict I will be feeling an overwhelming sense of jealousy for those on stage. Oh well, observation is a valid learning tool right? I can see that that as professional development?
Ok I better sign off and get on with this journal.

Good luck everyone!

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Task 1D

Here is the link to my flicker pics. Enjoy folks!!



YouTube help!

Hello fellow bloggers,

Can anyone help me with the YouTube clip upload. I've sighted up to the BAPP channel but can't seem to find and icon allowing me to add my 45sec clip.



Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Task 1b

This task has come at quite a good time for me. After returning to the acting profession after time away travelling I'm shocked to discover how much has changed in the way of self promotion and networking. Showreels now seem to be as important as a headshot and the amount of people making there own work is fantastic. We are no longer required to be so reliant on the agent but using the Internet we now have the tools to put ourself forward for auditions and castings. The challenges I'm facing developing my knowledge of technology have arrived at a time when the course needs me to be computer literate and demands that I get involved in all these programs I've always been slightly sceptical of. Well here goes nothing!   

 I must admit I had no clue what Web 2.0 was before reading the reader, I'm not sure id ever even seen it written down before. After reading it however it turns out not only did I no exactly what it was but I've been using it since about 2007! Terminology scares me and that combined with subject matter of IT didn't stir an overwhelming desire in me to read on I must be honest.

I found this paragraph particularly useful in understanding. 
" In simple terms, web 1.0 is about one way communications between creator and reader. A normal website has a creator writing the content and our role as reader is to consume the content. There is limited opportunity to interact or create our own content. In many ways it is similar to other forms of media like TV or newspapers. Web 2.0 provides the opportunity for the reader and creator to interact and more importantly, for reader to become the creator."- I think that's a very interesting point. Since the development of social media we have all had the resources to become more creative and 'have a voice' if you like. Things are far more accessible and knowledge is on tap. We aren't just being fed information by the powers that be but actually able to research comment and share.

However I do think there is a white elephant in the room. I feel the more we put of ourselves on the web, pictures, videos, interests the more we can be manipulated and/or controlled.
The Web 2.0 has been described as a collection of data. Well who has assess to that data? And what do they do with it? 
Have you ever been on Facebook and noticed a list of suggested web pages you might like at the side of the page? Funnily enough these are all things your quite interested in. Don't you find it a little scary that Facebook knows what you like, and actually tailor makes a page just for you. 
What about other information, where you are? where you live? What you do for work? Where your going on holiday to next year? Members of your family? Are we sharing to much? There is a great book by Ben Elton called Blind faith that's very relevant to this topic, I recommend it highly.

Sites  like Facebook could dangerously be being used as distraction devices to take our attention away from the important things that are going on in the world and the more time we spend in cyberspace the more we are playing into the hands of those in charge. If I'm honest I'm not really sure how much control we do actually have.

I think social media has benefits I certainly do, I love talking with friends, sharing music and looking at photos but where does the sharing stop? I've been watching a lot of Charlie Brooker 'Black Mirror' recently and it's frightening to think of where this could potentially lead.

I'm pleased the course is forcing us to ask questions. It is our future after all and we need to be aware of what's happening around us. The next generation won't ever know a time without these tools, how will it effect the way we communicate with each other in years to come? Are we already losing valuable skills like writing because we type so much? I don't have the answers but its important to asks the questions. 

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing."

Task 1a My Professional CV

Katherine Alexandra Hurley CV

D.O.B: 23/11/1985  
Height: 5’ 5”     
Hair: Dark Brown 
Eyes: Grey/Green 

Nationality: British

Natural Accent: Estuary English      

Voice:  Soprano 

Fully CRB Checked


Warlingham High School                                 10 GCSE’s A-C                                       
Reigate College                                                 3 A.LEVELS                           
London School of Dramatic Art (LSDA)         Advanced Acting Diploma (with Honours)


 The Ape Theatre Company                Vicky – Pills, Thrills and Automobiles             Sept 07 – Dec 07

My first job after leaving Drama School was as a member of The Ape Theatre Company, performing in a Theatre in Education national tour based around the dangers of drugs and driving. We performed two shows a day for three months in schools, sixth forms and colleges. The aims of the sessions were to engage and involve the students in active reflection connecting with the content, while raising their own questions and valuing their interaction. The tour visited a number of establishments which developed my classroom management skills and taught me the essential skill of building rapport quickly with new groups. This post also gave me an excellent grounding in teamwork both for myself and the students. The sessions were followed by an interactive workshop with question and answer sessions which were always enjoyed by students and rounded the activities off with a focus on their ideas and concerns.

  • Excellent time management and budgeting skills
  • Confident, engaging, enthusiastic delivery of production and workshop
  • Ability to think fast and answer questions factually and honestly
  • Liaising with school contacts and teachers
  • Organisation of props, costumes and technical equipment
  • Looking after company vehicle 
  • Ability to relate to young people
  • Conveying a passion for theatre and learning in the arts

Other theatre experience Includes; 

Character                                        Production                                     Director

Juliet                                               Romeo and Juliet                              Paul Gladwin
Older                                                   Stoning Mary                             Catherine Willis
Alyssa                                                Chasing Amy                            Catherine Willis
Alice                                               Orpheus Ex Machina                        George Collie
Peter Quince                                A Midsummer Night's Dream                 David Newman
Maria                                                      Beached                                 Ronnie McCann
Theresa                                                Serving it up                            Ronnie McCann
2nd Girl / 5th Washer Woman                      Yerma                                  Adam Meggido
Agnes                                             Dancing At Lughnasa                             Ruth Carney

TV / Film Experience:
Natalie                                               Rushed Relationship                      Karmelle Burnett
Claire                                                      Karmina                               Ivan Dell Antonio
Various                                        Shaun and what’s his name                       Shaun Gayle
Work Colleague                                       Email Etiquette                                    Joe Gough
Jane                                                   The Crowd of One                               Sahra Girshjick
Pauline                                         Larry the Community Support Officer           Michael King
Naomi Walker                                       Death in production                           Ian David Diaz
Jackie                                                        Dark Rage                                       Lee Akehurst
Beauty Girl                                            Dove Commercial                     Amaniel Ghebrehiwe


The Helen O’Grady Drama Academy            Drama Teacher                         (Sept ‘08 – July ‘11)

For three years I worked as a drama teacher for the Helen O’Grady Drama Academy. I began running two studios in different locations, which doubled after my first term. The role required knowledge and enthusiasm of the performing arts with the ability to manage a wide range of children and young people enabling them to express themselves confidently. By creating a stimulating, safe learning environment individuals were able to take risks while feeling supported.  
I taught nine classes a week and also acquired additional summer schools, which I planned for and promoted myself.  I advised students on drama school auditions, the industry and encouraged personal development through drama. The successful rapport and positive relationship with my students and colleagues was central to my work.  This impacted on the re-enrolments of many of my classes and was recognized by my employers.  During this time I also wrote play scripts for the groups which were endorsed by Helen O’Grady.  

  • Managing studio of students aged 4 – 18years
  • Gaining trust and respect from my students
  • Employing behavioural and classroom management skills
  • Planning and delivering fun, challenging, creative and inclusive lessons using the curriculum as a guide
  • Adapting lesson plans and training methods to meet student's need and ability
  • Discussing and demonstrating vocal and body expression to teach acting styles, character development
  • Encouraging independent thought in improvisation
  • Casting and auditioning students
  • Co-ordinating rehearsals, producing and directing plays and performances
  • Marketing, promoting and leading additional summer schools and workshops
  • General administration and reprographics, invoicing, collecting fees and re-enrolments
  • End of term evaluation and report writing
  • Building relationships and liaising with parents

Woodcote High School         Teaching and Learning Assistant                   (Sept ‘09- July ‘11)

I worked at Woodcote alongside my Teaching job for Helen O’Grady. The experience of working within a school environment enabled me to become familiar with the national curriculum and how large organisations work to meet the needs of a wide variety of children.  My role focussed on supporting individuals and groups to access the curriculum through various means including drama. This involved strong communication skills as well as adaptability with the need to empathise with individual’s learning needs while interpreting the teacher’s objectives. It was a busy and buzzing environment that provided me with an understanding of school environments and young people from a diverse range of backgrounds.

  • Assisting the teacher in the management of pupils in the classroom
  • Helping students in their studies and all areas of the national curriculum
  • Supporting students in small groups or one on one through adapted educational programs and assessing results
  • Helping pupils with their learning and social development
  • Physical care of disabled students
  • Working with pupils on life skills such as cooking, time and general fitness
  • Mentor/key worker with specific students
  • Organising and maintaining books, learning materials and resources.
  • Planning revision schedules and adapted learning timetables
  • Planning learning activities & school trips with teachers
  • Accurately updating pupil records
  • Writing reports and attending meetings with local council and SENCO advisor
  • Monitoring pupils performance throughout the year
  • Running external and internal examinations as per the exam board specification
  • Supporting less able students within examinations by acting as scribe and or reader
  • Working actively and collaboratively with teachers, outside agencies, students, and parents to support the welfare and educational growth of the students
Voluntary Work: The Warehouse Theatre
I worked on and off for 4 years (2005-2009) as a front of house volunteer at 'The warehouse theatre'.


  • Meeting and greeting audience members 
  • Take tickets and show latecomers to their seats
  • Replenishing stock and toilet rolls
  • Selling programmes and refreshments 
  • Plugging upcoming productions and events

About me

In July 2011 I left the UK to pursue a lifelong dream of mine to travel. The unfamiliar and new experiences have expanded my view of the world and enriched my life in so many ways. . Juggling travel arrangements and funds have provided me with an appreciation of managing my time, planning budgets and learning new skills.

I love the theatre and attend regularly, I also enjoy reading and listening to music. Keeping fit and eating well is important to me, I adore dance and benefit from yoga and pilates sessions. My cookery skills are coming along in leaps and bounds, a few disasters always provide a good talking point. I have a good sense of humour and a keen sense of fun and feel time spent with friends and family are essential for a happy life.  


Saturday, 16 February 2013

Saturday night blogger!

How exciting am I... It's Saturday night, it's half past 10 and I'm in my pyjamas writing a blog!!!
Silver lining is, its half term this week and although I have a to do list as long as my arm there is certainly fun times a head, this mainly consists of drinking but try not to judge me ;)
 I've always struggled with the whole work life balance thing, biting off way more than I can chew or burning the candle at both ends as my mum would say! I guess as performers we could all be guilty of this.... Not knowing where your next pay check is coming from I've never been in a position to turn work down and nor would I want to. Find a job you love and your never have to work a day in your life. It's just all the crap you have to do to pay the bills that ruins things.
If I was rich I'd spend my days doing all the things that make me happy. Writing plays, making films, going to the theatre....drinking! ( I don't have a problem, promise).  
What can I say I'm a dreamer. 
Right I should actually probably get on with the tasks at some point... That 1-2 week deadline is fast approaching.

Pizza's arrived, wines coming out. Schweet!

Until next time......

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Keep Calm and Blog On

So five days later and I've made another leap in to the life of a blogger. Last night I finally discovered how to add a picture and also managed to fiddle with fonts, wallpapers and formats. All of which are subject to change of course as I become more competent or should I say less stupid!

Something that I am coming to terms with is the actual use and purpose of a blog. Yes I enjoy Facebook and have recently joined twitter, but am I avid users of these things? No. 
I guess what I am getting at is this, as a reasonably private person I don't feel particularly comfortable about parading myself around cyber space, once you've put it out there thats it, you can't get it back, its not really yours anymore. Particularly the You Tube clip that we are required to upload. As an actress playing a role, yes of course, that's my work, but as myself, I'm not so sure. Maybe I'm looking into this WAY to deep...... Maybe that's the point?

Oh well, one things for sure Laura Ashley wallpaper maybe to pricey for my flat but is free and looking fab on homepage.

Profile to come......

Friday, 8 February 2013

How the blogging hell do you do this?!?!?

Ok so here goes nothing! I have been trying to figure out how to use this thing forever! Im getting quite frustrated and still can't work out how to upload a profile photo. Any suggestions???

After a lot of hard work it seems like the ROL module is complete and been successful all round, well done guys. So now on to the next and with a little more of the same, by the summer we will be half way to getting a degree, woo hoo!!!

For those of you who are about to embark on this journey with me for the next 15 months, excuse the spelling mistakes and occasional rude words. Lets do it!!!!
