Tuesday, 26 February 2013

The Reflective Practitioner Begins!

Welcome to week 3 boys and girls..... I do believe this is all getting quite full on. I'm about to begin my reflective journal and immerse myself into a world of deep thinking. As soon as I saw the word journal I let out an internal groan. I've never really been able to keep up with a diary. I've tired a few times whilst at school and was always too nervous someone would read it to write down my true feelings and emotions. However I'm older now, and have slightly more privacy so I'm remaining positive and getting on with it. 
At present I'm sitting in the Royal Court Theatre bar about to watch a new play called 'A Time to Reap' and can already predict I will be feeling an overwhelming sense of jealousy for those on stage. Oh well, observation is a valid learning tool right? I can see that that as professional development?
Ok I better sign off and get on with this journal.

Good luck everyone!


  1. Hope the play was good!! I am sitting in my coat as I am cold and I ma nursing a head cold - waiting to head off to teach. Just asking everyone where they are keeping their journals?? Interested to see if anyone is actually writing it longhand!!

  2. Hi Kim, play was great thanks, I wish I could afford to go to the theatre more but these days I can't quite afford that luxury! I'm actually keeping mine in the notes app on my iPad. I was thinking about hand writing something but I decided it was easier this way as I always have it on me. Hope you warm up, why I studios always FREZZING?

  3. How are you writing yours? :)

  4. Hey girls, I hope you are both well. I ahve been thinking the exact same about my journal not suare as to where to keep mine. Its almost like a massive brain storm my journal hehe.

  5. Hi Katie,

    Good to see your Blog up and looking forward to commenting on your posts. Our initial focus was the use of technologies themselves as core to current and future practice. Have you come across any other posts that have prompted questions, or a responses from you?

  6. Hi Alan, yes lots. I'm enjoying looking at and comparing ideas of students old and new. The blog is still quite challenging but I'm sure it will become habitual over time. Hope your well :)
