Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Students of the revolution!!

Ok guys and girls,  as we're approaching the final hurdle of module 1,how's everyone feeling?

I think we should all be very proud of ourselves. Juggling full time employment and university work this way takes a great deal of discipline. I know I have certainly begrudged the commitment some times, but hopefully I'll be able to look back and laugh this time next year...or be bald and stressed to the eyeballs!

I must admit I often wonder, Is anyone really listening. Did I just spend my whole Sunday researching and writing away just put some words on a website that will never be read? I guess we all need to get into the habit of checking the blogs more and making comments more, or maybe you all do and I'm totally wrong.
I have noticed that I tend to switch off when trying to wade through huge chucks of text (which is exactly how my work is laid out!) note to self, be more creative next term!

But for now good luck on the essays.... If anyone wants to discuss/share ideas, ask each other questions or give each other feedback my email is kt_hurley@yahoo.com

As they say in Greek καληνύχτα (goodnight)

P.s. I'm not Greek :) 


  1. Pps. Instant critical reflection lightbulb! We are doing this for ourselves no one else. This could be all part of the process and questions that we should raise....

    Ok seriously now.

    NIGHT!!! :)

  2. Katie, you have echoed my thoughts entirely. I have often wondered if anyone is actually reading our Blogs, although I can see from my Blogger exactly how many views each of my posts has had! The one thing that I have discovered about myself is that this is a more thought provoking method of communication whereas Facebook is a tool for a casual chat and catch up! Will be in touch re final assignment as I am still not entirely confident that I am thinking along the right lines! Kym
